Newspaper and Magazine List and Locator


Titles listed below were either mentioned in other newspapers as having existed (and may now be lost or non-existent), or they are held in current library and manuscript collections, and are accessible in some form. For example, in the Dec. 19, 1941 issue of the Philippine Commonwealth Times, columnist Trinidad Rojo mentioned several of what he thought were outstanding or interesting U.S. Filipino newspapers, which is where I found reference to The Philippine Interpretor (see list below). I have not found a listing of the Interpretor in any archive.

While all of the periodicals listed in the Newspaper & Magazine List & Locator on this website were mentioned in other periodicals, not all of them have been located, or studied. I encountered these sources in manuscript and microfilm collections while working on my Ph.D. research; in the process I realized that my focus was on a very small section of what is apparently a large, but scattered and neglected oeuvre of early U.S. Filipina/o writing and reportage. Locating (a time-consuming task in itself) and studying these periodicals would require the efforts of more than one person.

Linked titles lead to a full issue, available online. CNP links lead to the California Newspaper Project where the listing was found. Go to “Search the CNP” in the menu on the left, Click on “Search the CNP Catalogue” and type in the newspaper title; then click on “display search results.” Some non-California periodicals are listed in CNP if copies can be found in California libraries. Note that CNP list is not always up-to-date, and does not always include all holdings.

This list is a work in progress and ideally should be collaborative. If you have current, reliable information about the location and condition (microfilm or microfiche? print originals? digital? photocopies in your file?) of these or any other pre-WWII U.S. Filipino newspapers that you would like to add to this list, please let me know, and I will credit your work on this website.

Ang Bantay (Los Angeles, a weekly newspaper, Lauro M. Portillo, editor)

Clay  (Albuquerque, Jose Garcia Villa)

Commonwealth Times (Portland Oregon, Pablo Manlapit)

Cosmopolitan Courier (Seattle, Frank Alonzo) CNP

Equifilibricum News Service  (Los Angeles, Hilario Moncado) Asian Cultural Experience (ACE) Salinas, CA (1 print copy).

The Filipino  (Washington, DC, William Alexander Sutherland)

Filipino Eagle (Los Angeles, V. N. Ramajo) CNP

Filipino Independence Journal  (New York, NY, Jose A. Manibo, Jr.)

Filipino Nation  (Los Angeles, Hilario Moncado)

Filipino News  (Lihue, Hauai, Hawaii, Filipino News Ltd.)

Filipino Forum  (Seattle, Victorio Acosta Velasco) CNP

Filipino Observer Spokesman (Los Angeles, A.E. Dino) CNP

Filipino Participation Bulletin (San Francisco — 1939 Golden Gate Exposition) CNP

The Filipino People  (New York)

Filipino Pioneer  (Stockton, J.C. Dionisio) CNP

Filipino Student’s Magazine (Berkeley, Chicago) Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley.

Filipino Student (Berkeley, Chicago, 1912-14)

Filipino Student (Formerly theFilipino Student Bulletin, New York, 1931-39)

Filipino Student Bulletin (Seattle, 1922-1939s, Leopoldo T. Ruiz, et. al.)

Hawaii Filipino News  (Honolulu)

Maharlika (Union City)

New Philippines Outlook (Watsonville) CNP

New Quaadra Gossip

New Tide  (Los Angeles, Carlos Bulosan)

Philippine Advocate  (Seattle, Victorio Acosta Velasco). Seattle Public Library; County of Los Angeles Public Library. See OCLC WorldCat.

Philippine-American Observer. (California; Observer Publishing Co.; ed. Amado Dino; assoc. ed. Marjorie Paton Espanol). See Internet Archive.

Philippine Journal  (Stockton, J.C. Dionisio, F.A.L.A.) CNP

Philippine American Chronicle  (Seattle, Frank Alonzo aka Emiliano Francisco)[1]

Philippine American Journal (Stockton, CA, Felipe M. Esteban, 194?-) UC Berkeley, Calif. Miscellaneous Newspapers, reel 29, item 23. See also Library of Congress, Chronicling America

Philippine-American News Digest (Los Angeles, E. Llamas Rosario) Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley

Philippine American Review (Seattle, Review Publishing Co., 1928-?, Univ. of WA Library). See also Library of Congress, Chronicling America

Philippine American Tribune(Seattle)

Philippine Commonwealth (Washington D.C., Diosdado Yap)

Philippine Commonwealth Journal (Portland, OR). Univ. of Washington Libraries; County of Los Angeles Public Libraries (Downey). OCLC WorldCat.

Philippine Commonwealth Times  (Santa Maria, M.G. Alviar ed. w/Carlos and Aurelio Bulosan) CNP

Philippines Enterprise (Santa Maria, CA, Philippines Enterprise Publishing Co., Jan. 2, 1934, Vol. I, No. 1). See also Lib. of Congress, Chronicling America

Philippine Examiner  (Stockton, Galileo Sotto) CNP

Philippine Independence Journal (New York?)

Philippine News  (San Francisco)

Philippine Pictorial Magazine  (San Francisco, Pioneer Publishing Co., Trinidad Rojo)

Philippine Press (Hilo, Hawaii, T.H. 193_?; began 1934, Philippine Press. English & Iloko. Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa). See also Lib. of Congress, Chronicling America.

Philippine Record  (Los Angeles, Simeon Doria Arroyo)

Philippine Independent News, later changed to The Philippines Mail, and the Mail-Advertiser (Salinas, Luis Agudo, Delfin Cruz,)

Philippines Enterprise (Santa Maria, The Philippines Enterprise Pub. Co.)

Philippines News Herald (Los Angeles, V.N. Ramajo) CNP

Philippine Republic Press  (San Francisco, Stockton, E.C. Pecson)  CNP

Philippine Review (formerly the Filipino Students Magazine. Berkeley).

The Philippines Mail  (Salinas, Luis Agudo, Delfin Cruz) CNP (Orig. Monterey County Historical Society, 1930s)

Philippine Interpretor  (Los Angeles, Pat Megino and Estela Romualdez de Sulit)

Philippine News Letter (Seattle, Julius Ruiz) CNP

Philippine News-Reporter  (Los Angeles, Asingan enterprises) CNP

Philippine Review (Sacramento)

Philippine Star News (Los Angeles, Frank Perez, editor 1930s-1950s)

Sakdal  (Stockton, Benigno Ramos)

Three Stars  (Stockton, Luis Agudo, D.L. Marcuelo); Wellington Lee, private collection, 1933 issue, (Salinas), CNP (UC Berkeley)

The Torch (Stockton)

Ti Silaw  [The Light], (Honolulu)

United Filipino Press  (Chicago)

U.S.-Philippine Times (San Francisco)

Veteran Guerilla (Sacramento 1945-49, Fernando V. Dulay) CNP


The Story of the Lopez Family (Caning Eyot (1903). Thanks to the late Jim Zwick for information and research on this publication.

[1] “Emiliano Francisco” is the pseudonym for Frank Alonzo, as reported in the Philippine Advocate 1, no. 5 (July 1935).